Student Survey

As I have stated in my teaching philosophy, when I teach, I aim to teach the whole child.  This can sometimes be a challenging task in a class of thirty students wherein each student possesses a different learning style and form of intelligence.

I would like for each of my students to please take the following survey, thank-you in advance for your co-operation(it should not take any longer than 5-7 minutes to complete.)  Your answers will be purely confidential, in fact the only individuals who will view your results are the person taking the survey (you) and me.  The results from this survey are extremely important as they will allow me to tailor my lessons and the way that I approach teaching this class based upon each student’s type of intelligence.  I can vary my lessons based upon my students preferred type of learning, so one period I may focus more so on music and poetry whereas during another period I may have you analyze the differences between several texts.

It is common to have multiple intelligences in a single classroom.  There are eight distinct types of intelligence:

 Naturalistic, Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Musical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Logical, and Linguistic.  It was at a later date that Howard Gardner added a ninth intelligence, existential intelligence.

Most commonly, an individual will be more proficient in one area of intelligence than another, but it is also possible for a person to be adept in two or three areas of intelligence.  Everyone also possesses a level of standard intelligence (i.e.) (ability to solve problems, apply knowledge to new situations, acquire new skills, etc.,) as well as an emotional intelligence.  To find out more about the different types of intelligences as well as your dominant intelligence, click on one of the links listed below.

Visit, if you would like to take a test to score your level of emotional intelligence.

If you are interested in finding out the intelligence in which you excel, visit  Click on the search box and type: “multiple intelligences,” from there you will be able to take the online test.

I have included this clip, Multiple Intelligences, to provide more background on Dr. Howard Gardner, the man behind the theory, as well as a description and examples of each type of intelligence.

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